1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Ista'Vezir, the Spider Queen


Destroy Ista'Vezir and her two daughters Ke'kewey the Weaver and Se'ki the Watcher.


Having found her location and removing the threat of being overrun by her guardians, the time has come to finish Ista'Vezir. We will also have to destroy her two daughters least they continue the massacre of your borthers and sisters. Ke'keway the Weaver and Se'ki the Watcher can be found in the queen's chambers. Kill all three of them and then report your success to me. She will not be an easy fight, so will may need companions for this final battle.
Worshiped as a goddess by some of these tribals, it's not hard to see why; she is an imposing symbol of fear.
With the destruction of Ista'Vezir and her daughters, the attacks on our settlement have been greatly reduced, and our roads are safer. You've done a wonderful service for the Ourobani Exemplar, and I will make sure that they know of your exploits in the capital.



  • 65700 experience
  • 42 50
Quest Facts

- Level: 34
- Requires level 30
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Many Eyes
  2. Strands of Fate
  3. Seeds of Evil
  4. The Royal Guardians
  5. Ista'Vezir, the Spider Queen