1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Cats Near the Cradle


Kill ten Wild Hill Cats in the area around Darcian.


As you may have noticed, while our Gifts have allowed us to begin taming this island nation for our own, it is the teaching of Ouroban that harmony with your surroundings is paramount or only destruction waits. While we have done what we can to preserve the natural order of things here on Aeon, we have been given permission of course to protect ourselves and our future. The local hills have been home to wild cats and we have respected their lands but they have begun raiding Darcian and this will not be allowed. Go and reduce the numbers of these animals so our patrols can focus on more important things, like the Infidels.
Have those animals been dealt with?
Muk-em'el Traveler. You are everything I had hoped for. Now that the immediate threat has been dealt with, let us focus on the root of the problem.



  • 250 experience
  • 5
Quest Facts

- Level: 1
- Requires level 1
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Welcome to Aeon
  2. Cats Near the Cradle
  3. Seek the Mother
  4. Another Kind of Solution