1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Bucking Trends


Gather samples of the six feeding spots of the Swamp Bucks and return them to the Exodite of the Reeds.


Swamp Bucks are a hardy version of their more docile family members found throughout Alganon. Most times, these animals would find it impossible to survive in such an environment but the Swamp Buck has adapted well. Even with this, the bucks have only a few places to feed safely and efficiently and it is these points we must investigate. After you have found the feeding spots, gather samples and return to me with your report.
Information is the key.
With this information we now know the toxin, and how to neutralize it. If you can gather some ingredients from the local wildlife, we can fashion an antidote.


  • None


  • 59360 experience
  • 1 13 40
Quest Facts

- Level: 0
- Requires level 0
- Side:   
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Unwelcome Party
  2. For a Few Bucks
  3. Bucking Trends
  4. Poison for Poison
  5. Down the Hatch