1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Straight From the Source


Collect eight Plains Buck Blood from the bucks in Deathadder Burs and Scratchbrush.


I have, for a time, dabbled in the art of alchemy and with a small amount of work it may be possible to create an elixir that will grant our soldiers a resistance to many of the poisons that are common in the Burs. The blood of a Plains Buck has a unique antivenin properties and if you gather enough samples I should be able to distill a small amount of this essence. The Plains Bucks roam freely all across Deathadder Burs and Scratchbrush so they should not be difficult to find.
Do you have them?
All great discoveries take time, Kujix, but with what you have provided I am certain our troops will not have to wait long.


  • None


  • 4410 experience
  • 9 45
Quest Facts

- Level: 27
- Requires level 24
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes