1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

One with the Gnollchief


Perform the summoning Ritual at the Mudbone Sacred Grounds to merge spirits with the fallen Gnollchief Kneebiter.


    The wrath of the mudbone cries out a name... Kneebiter. Does this name sound familiar to you, Asharr? The soul of this Kneebiter seems to be intertwined with yours. We can use this to our advantage. Travel to the the Aurovan Ritual Stone and perform the ritual I am about to teach you. It will merge your spirit with that of Kneebiter, so you can commune with his spirit. He will alllow you to see through his eyes, to know what he knows. It is through his vision that you will learn much about the Mudbone. You must perform this task, or you will not find what you seek.



    The stone hums with power.
    As you perform the ritual, you feel a strange presence come over you. The world looks different, and something inside you calls for you to return to the Stonehowl Dens and Mudbone camp. You are certain that now, with this new sight, you will see things you may have overlooked before.


    • None


    • 5050 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 31
    - Requires level 28
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. One with the Gnollchief
    2. Through Kneebiters Eyes