1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Roughneck Domination


Burn the corpse of Varn at the Strange Stones as a message to the Brokefist and Roughnecks.


    The Roughneck thought Varn could lead them in a rebellion. They dared to step outside the shadow of the gods and rebel against the Kujix. You proved them wrong… and now, you will display that proof for all the Brokefist to see. A display of our dominance that will put these Ogran in their place and return these lands to their former glory. If you think the Nidgit smell bad when they are alive, wait until you smell this one burn. These hills will stink of his death for weeks.
    Kill this rebellion! Kill it with fire!
    The Ogran are little better than beasts, you see. This is the only kind of message that will get through to them.


    • None


    • 890 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 5
    - Requires level 4
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes


    1. Who's the Boss
    2. Roughest of the Roughnecks
    3. Roughneck Domination