1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

One of a Kind


Collect a Mangled Ogran Head, so Tracker Hok’narik can take a look at it.


The camp nearby is full of Duskwalker. They’re a small bandit group, not much of a threat to our caravans or the locals - at least not until recently. They have a few Ogran amongst their ranks, if I good get a good look at one of their faces, I could tell you if they are Stormthrow or not.
If only I could get a closer look, I could know for sure.
I guess that’s one way to do it. This Ogran doesn’t look to be Stormthrow. See the way his brow furls over the left eye? That’s how you can tell he’s Brokefist... or he was, at least.


  • 3290 experience
  • 7
Quest Facts

- Level: 20
- Requires level 17
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Hot Pursuit
  2. One of a Kind
  3. Breaking Point
  4. Old Jix Farm