1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Stormin' the Slopes


Collect ten Essence of Storm.


The Stormthrow Ogran were once great warriors, able to hurl spears infused with the power of the storms. When challenged, the Stormthrow instinctively ran to these hills, and to the storm elementals contained within. Yet, they have not turned the elementals against us. Why? The Stormthrow were warriors once. Perhaps the Essence of Storm will spark their memory.



Send the Storm Elementals back to the elemental plane, and bring the Essence of Storm left behind to me.
You managed to collect this essence rather quickly. Why do these Ogran fail at the same task? It makes no sense, unless one of their own is the source of their failure.



  • 3130 experience
  • 2 85
Quest Facts

- Level: 19
- Requires level 16
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes