1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Kajixar's Warning


Show Kajixar’s Warning to Acolyte Haviic.


This lengthy tome goes into to detail on the history of the Ogran - their creation, their centuries as warring clans, their unification by the Ogran Chieftain Stormshatter. The last page of the tome is a warning to the Kujix of Xanjuis Karr. Should the Talrok embark upon the Great Silence, the Ogran will surely lose their way. The tome predicts that they will split into five clans, one for each symbol in the Totem of Stormshatter. Kajixar’s predictions have already come to pass.
What have you found?
Kajixar was right, child. We should have listened to her warning, but we were certain the Ogran could stand on their own. We were wrong, and now, we must unite them once again.


  • None


  • 2170 experience
  • 1 95
Quest Facts

- Level: 13
- Requires level 10
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes