1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

No Rest for the Wicked


Kill Talhah the Wicked.


Many of the passages in the tome are still unclear but one name appears again and again. Talhah was the leader of the Duskwalker here but the tome now names him as Talhah the Wicked. Perhaps he is the progenitor of this disease that have robbed the Duskwalker of their sanity and driven their camp in to madness. If Talhah is still alive you must find him and destroy him. To allow one such as this to run free would be to put the safety of the entire Talrok race at risk.
I shall rest easier knowing that Talhah is dead.
We may never know his full involvement in this outbreak, but his death ensures that he will not carry this disease to others.


  • None


  • 3610 experience
  • 7 70
Quest Facts

- Level: 22
- Requires level 19
- Side: Kujix
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Toxic Pets
  2. No Rest for the Wicked