1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

The Old Tainted Well


Slay six digger sprogs at the Tainted Well northwest of town.


The old well northwest of town has been contaminated for years, and those filthy sprogs love to drink from it. Those vermin must be spreading the disease to the wolves. We should have driven the sprog away a long time ago.
Why are you still here? Are you lost? The well is just northwest of town, out the back road and down the hill.
That ought to slow the spread of the bonelust, but until the undead contamination is cleansed, the threat is always there.



Quest Facts

- Level: 2
- Requires level 1
- Side: Asharr
- Start:
- End:
- Sharable: Yes


  1. Welcome to Andar
  2. Wolves at Our Door
  3. Speak with Targon
  4. The Old Tainted Well