1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Recipe for Wrath


Search the Bloodshade Bandit Camp to the west for the poison used to murder Runtborn.


    The gnolls would not have devised such a poison themselves. They must have gotten the recipe from the nearby bandits. In fact, I have seen these bandits use similar poisons. Travel to the Bandit Camp to the west. There, you will find the recipe for this poison.
    The Bloodshade Bandits have a camp to the west, on the eastern shore of Vale Shimmer.
    This is the same poison. I can sense it.


    • None


    • 5050 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 31
    - Requires level 28
    - Side: Asharr
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: No


    1. Poisonous Wrath
    2. Recipe for Wrath
    3. Physical Ingredients
    4. Wrath not Included
    5. Source of the Wrath
    6. Darkmane Did It