1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Seeking the Stormthrow


Locate Adjudicator Krix and the Stormthrow Ogran.


    I see you have recovered the Blessed Three Spears. Keep it close, as you will need it to complete the Totem of Stormshatter. The final piece you need is the Bolt of the Stormthrow. The Stormthrow Ogran have camped at the base of Rumble Hill. Speak with Adjudicator Krix. He was sent to rebuild their nation.
    What news?
    We took one step over the rise, and these cowards ran like frightened animals into the hills. Most of these dead were killed by their own, trampling one another in an attempt to get away. The Stormthrow were once the most powerful spearmen of Alganon. If they have fallen this far, they deserve to be culled from existence.


    • None


    • 1040 experience
    • 95
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 19
    - Requires level 16
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes