1. Remember Me

  2. OR   

Tribute to Balam


Find Gorrick Cartpush to stop the tribute to Balam. He was last seen heading south from Adrok along the road.


    First Talrok abandon us. They go into city and we no hear from them. We get scared. We get weak. When Talrok come back, they abandon us again. Emissary run off, follow Lusha. Chieftain Stonehammer say Balam will protect us. Chieftain Stonehammer say Balam stronger than the gods. He use black rocks! Make everything go boom! Scare away Lusha! Now he make us pay tribute! We already send tribute to Balam!
    This tribute go to Balam! Balam save us all!
    What? No pay tribute? But if we no pay tribute Balam will be angry! Abandon us like Talrok did!


    • None


    • 420 experience
    Quest Facts

    - Level: 10
    - Requires level 8
    - Side: Kujix
    - Start:
    - End:
    - Sharable: Yes