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  • Boots

Lacquered Clogs of Skill

Lacquered Clogs of Skill
Bind On Equip
Heavy (Boots)
130 Protection
Durability 38/38
+3 Strength
+2 Agility
Requires Level 18
1 - 50 of 89
Name Level Location Reacts To %
Thresh Brigand 24 - 25 Nauu Plateau 0.0313
Blue Cap Buccaneer 25 - 27 Dambir Stones, Fern Napes 0.0313
Thresh Marauder 24 - 25 Nauu Plateau 0.0313
Bloodhowl Baitmaster 23 - 24 Boneyards, Wolvenar 0.0313
Plains Buck 25 - 28 Scratchbrush, Prowler Hedge, Deathadder Burrs 0.0313
Alchemist Ragnak 24 Unique Boneyards 0.0313
Dark Brush Stalker 23 - 24 Wolvenar 0.0313
Bruiren 23 Unique Green Mountain 0.0313
Bloodhowl Wolftamer 23 - 24 Boneyards, Wolvenar 0.0313
Spit Crab 21 - 39 Bone Shores 0.3135
Dark Brush Bear 23 - 24 Wolvenar 0.0313
Lesser Vine Weevil 25 - 26 Heddige Farm 0.0313
Greyhowl 23 Unique Green Mountain 0.0313
Jurgk 24 Unique Grassy Sledge 0.0251
Cinderbarq 25 Unique Deadwood Pyre 0.0313
Blue Cap Corsair 26 - 27 Fern Napes 0.0313
Daas Band Ambusher 25 Nauu Plateau 0.0313
Wolf Pup 23 - 24 Wolf Dens, Wolvenar 0.0313
Westpaw Whisperer 23 - 24 Goobnok 0.0313
Fang 25 Unique Wolvenar 0.0313
Fisher Pryce 24 Elite Partisan Rock 0.0313
Muffin 1 Critter Boneyards 0.0313
Hopswort Raider 26 Frognar Squarb, Greenfurrow 0.0313
Westpaw Invader 23 Westpaw Bark 0.0313
Bloodhowl Whisperer 23 - 24 Boneyards 0.0313
Coven Fanatic 23 - 25 Deadwood Pyre, Ancient Worship Grounds 0.0313
Daas Band Lieutenant 25 Nauu Plateau 0.0313
Coven Warlock 23 - 25 Deadwood Pyre, Ancient Worship Grounds 0.0313
Blue Cap Freebooter 24 - 27 Dambir Stones, Farmer Rolls, Fern Napes 0.0313
Deadwood Stalker 17 - 25 Deadwood Pyre, Heckler's Dive 0.0313
Soulrender Kaell 24 Unique Wicked Hedge 0.0313
Soilslug 24 - 25 Farmer Rolls 0.0313
Elder Swampwalker 25 Sledgepen 0.0313
Hopswort Brewer 26 Frognar Squarb 0.0313
Wolf Mother 23 - 24 Wolf Dens, Wolvenar 0.0313
Westpaw Alpha 23 - 24 Goobnok 0.0313
Skeletal Mongrel 25 Jaxar Viss 0.0313
Blighted Swampwalker 24 - 25 Sledgepen 0.0313
Westpaw Researcher 23 - 24 Goobnok 0.0313
Captain Nevatru <Captain of the Blue Caps> 28 Unique Fern Napes 0.0313
Awakened Spirit 25 Goobnok 0.0313
Hopswort Oracle 25 - 26 Frognar Squarb, Greenfurrow, Shimmer Hops 0.0313
Hopswort Defender 25 - 26 Frognar Squarb, Greenfurrow, Shimmer Hops 0.0313
Coven Bonedealer 22 - 23 Dark Brush 0.0313
Jabal Hakat 23 Windrock Fields 0.0157
Jabal Hakat 23 Windrock Fields 0.0219
Deadwood Flameguard 24 - 25 Deadwood Pyre 0.0313
Dennix Mir 22 Windy Encampment 0.0157
Westpaw Pioneer 22 Westpaw Bark 0.0313
Westpaw Howler 23 - 24 Carved Fields 0.0313
Greater Vine Weevil 25 - 26 Heddige Farm 0.0313
Bonecaller Vaskin 24 Unique Fallen Stone Temple 0.0313
Westpaw Revenant 26 Jaxar Viss 0.0313
Hopswort Netdigger 25 - 26 Frognar Squarb, Greenfurrow, Shimmer Hops 0.0313
Westpaw Sagethrower 23 - 24 Goobnok 0.0313
Westpaw Skeleton 26 Jaxar Viss 0.0313
Coven Bonecaller 23 Fallen Stone Temple 0.0313
Raze 25 Elite Boneyards 0.0313
Coven Glyphblade 24 Wicked Hedge 0.0313
Westpaw Manhunter 23 Carved Fields, Westpaw Bark 0.0313
Mound Mother 23 Unique Crab Den 0.0313
Thresh Vandal 24 - 25 Nauu Plateau 0.0313
Bursar Mahis 24 Windy Encampment 0.0157
Bursar Mahis 24 Windy Encampment 0.0219
Hedge Beetle 25 - 26 Scratchbrush 0.0313
Lipnik Raider 23 Windy Plains 0.0313
The Mighty Lipnik 23 Unique Windy Plains 0.0313
Lipnik Ambusher 23 Windy Plains 0.0313
Coven Pathbuilder 38 - 39 Bone Shores 0.0313
Priest Gravespeak 40 Unique Worn Spit 0.0313
Coven Highguard 39 Worn Spit 0.0313
Windblade Archer 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0157
Windblade Archer 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0219
Shadow Stealer 20 Elite The Gate of Stars 0.0157
Shadow Stealer 20 Elite The Gate of Stars 0.0219
Windblade Icemagus 16 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0157
Windblade Icemagus 16 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0219
Windblade Poacher 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0157
Windblade Poacher 15 Bonefield of Kut'ya 0.0219
Agent Rah'l 25 Elite HUD Camp 0.0585
Sunscale Soldier 26 Plains of Sermek 0.0585
Avenger Draosheer 25 Elite HUD Camp 0.0585
Lost Caravan Guard 20 HUD Camp 0.0585
Sunscale Courier 26 Plains of Sermek 0.0585
Savant U'ta 25 Elite HUD Camp 0.0585
Graz'el Ranger 22 Wavecrest Hillocks 0.0585
Sunscale Hunter 26 Plains of Sermek 0.0585
Sunscale Mage 26 Plains of Sermek 0.0585
Rogue Golem 21 Unique HUD Camp 0.0313