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Gonzo Boink
Level 3
Renown Level 1
Owner: TopHat


Ardonya Guard
The Ardonya Guard are servants of the Emperor, sworn to protect Asheran Forest. They have been called to Andar to defend the people there from the recent attacks by hostile wildlife.
Blessed with gifts and strengths beyond ordinary men, the Asharr are an elite fighting force. Taking up arms against the Kujix, the Asharr proudly serve the Empire of Ardonya, defend its people, and preserve the culture and way of life of the Empire. The Asharr believe in the duty of the strong to defend the weak, that all life is beautiful, and they seek to restore Alganon to the world it once was, and will be again.
The city of Asheran is the capital of the Asharr Empire and those who reside within its walls have a bond of brotherhood unseen in the rest of Ardonya.
Darksea Privateers
Mercenaries for hire, the Darksea Privateers are a cuthroat band of former pirates who have discovered that legitimate work for the Emperor can be more profitable than a life of piracy, at least for now.
Westport Fishers Guild
The Fishers Guild of Westport is the largest union of professional fishermen on the continent of Ardonya.
Empire's Shadow
Empire's Shadow
This mysterious band of individuals has appeared seemingly from nowhere as the conflict between the Kujix and the Asharr escalates. Their motives remain a mystery; even to those who do business with them, but their power is not to be trifled with and thus both sides take them seriously in an attempt to gain their support. The Empire's Shadow operates indirectly through intermediaries and their agents are usually only referred to as numbered shadows. Even their true race and appearance defies scrutiny proving their superior knowledge of deception and misdirection.
Engineer's Association
Engineer's Association
The Engineer's Association is a collaboration of two forces: a more proactive group that was once a unit of Argon's builders that have since abandoned the ideology of careful, methodical planning and a conservative band of Xukiss worshipers who have forsaken the theology that no price is too high for results. These like-minded individuals have banded together to support all of Alganon with further advances in technology for more than technology's sake.
Footpaw Tribe
The Footpaw are one of the three warring tribes that inhabit the Gnollclash. Lead by Fastjaw Footpaw they are in a struggle for superiority over all of Gnolls of Ardonya.
Rottward Tribe
The Rottward are one of the three warring tribes that inhabit the Gnollclash. Lead by Stinktounge Rottward they are in a struggle for superiority over all of Gnolls of Ardonya.
Wetmane Tribe
The Wetmane are one of the three warring tribes that inhabit the Gnollclash. Lead by Smallbark Wetmane they are in a struggle for superiority over all of Gnolls of Ardonya.
When the ancient Talrok were tasked with teaching the true message of the gods, they did so under the banner of the Kujix. Over time, the power and might of the Kujix came to be known by all of the peoples of Harraja, and all who were deamed worthy were allowed to join their ranks. The Kujix believe that only conflict can divide the strong from the weak, that change is necessary for advancement, and that the quest for power is sole reason for existance. They believe that a perfect Alganon can only come to pass by clearing away the debris of the past, and so they seek to cleanse this world of weakness.
Stonehammer Ogran
During the Great Silence, the Ogran clans of Xanjuis Plains fought a violent civil war and divided into five warring clans. The Stonehammer Ogran have holed up in Xyjar Shag and are using the town of Xyjar as their new home.
Xanjuix Karr
The city of Xanjuix Karr is the capital of the Kujix Empire and those who reside within its walls have a bond of brotherhood unseen in the rest of Harraja.
No mortal knows, and no deity speaks of exactly how the great battle was fought, or exactly what occurred, but after the conflict was over, Ouroban was no more, and the portals were closed. In reality, Ouroban had been banished into what the other gods had assumed was a prison of empty space outside their world, where he would languish forever but Ouroban had found out much more about the Infinite Circle than any of them would have imagined. Traveling from world to world, Ouroban rebuilt his strength and gained new allies which would allow his return home and the spread of his ideas throughout Alganon.
The Army of the Peacemantle is the largest independant army in all of Alganon. Led by the heroic Adynn Peacemantle, they consist of both Humans and Talrok and have not yet chosen a side in the War of Conversion.
The Dawning
Reknowned for their expertise and reach as traders and merchants, the HUD are an independant group of exporters who specialize in the trade of weapons and items of great power. Their mysterious origins and access to objects of great power make them a powerful force, and a worthy ally.
The Ourobi
The Ourobi
When the god Ouroban, Keeper of the Gateways, was lost to the world, the portals that once connected all of Alganon closed. For centuries, they remailed sealed - but now, they have opened again, and the Ourobi, worshippers of The Lost One, have returned to Alganon, and once again control the portals that allow for instantaneous transportation over great distance.