1. Remember Me

  2. OR   
Mallorie Twilight
Level 4
Renown Level 1
Tallen's Pond



Mystics are masters of life and death. In addition to keeping people alive with powerful methods of healing, Mystics can enter a deep trance to enhance their healing abilities, and walk the plane of undeath to use deadly words of power to smite their enemies.

Class Traits

  • Trance

    Trance is a stance Mystic can use to supercharge their healing actions. When the Mystic Trances, they attune themselves to the power of Essence greatly improving the power of their healing spells. However, this comes at the cost of offensive power by reducing the effect of their Wrath actions.

  • Deathwalk

    Deathwalk allows the Mystic to slip into a state of undeath. While in this state the Mystic becomes very durable and difficult for opponents to affect. Additionally their power with Wrath based actions is increased. Walking the plane of undeath comes at a price, as the Mystic's effectiveness with healing actions is greatly reduced.

  • Words of Power

    Words of Power are a variety of actions with lasting effects. These Words can be anything from reinforcing buffs that the Mystic places on allies to crippling curses use to devastate foes. Although many Words can be used freely, some Words will prevent the Mystic from using other Word actions for a time due to their significant drain placed on the speaker.

  • Touches of Power

    Touches of Power are a variety of actions with short term effects. These Touches can instantly infuse an ally with health or deliver retribution on an enemy. Touches usually only affect the immediate target of the Mystic, but always have significant impact.

  • Spellfury
  • Divination
  • Empowerment