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  • Female
  • 40 Years Old
  • Hometown Not Specified
  • US
  • Plays: nothing (too busy playing Alganon?)
  • Interests: Games Music Fitness
  • Offline
About Me:

Hmmm...about me...
I'm an information junkie and there aren't enough hours in the day to pursue all I'm interested in (especially since my kids turned me on to gaming). I have a tendency to get bored easily and the only time I sit still is while at my computer or watching a movie (well, not even then). I love tech, running, strength training, music, movies, and now gaming. I've only played one game though, so will probably be clueless for a while.

My Characters
5 characters found (5 displayed)
Name Level Side Family Class Race Guild
Raevyn 25 Asharr Ardanis Ranger Human
Amarra 3 Asharr Agronar Champion Human
Aeyrial 1 Asharr DeVoss Mystic Human
Saebryl 1 Asharr Martos Magus Human
Skorn 9 Kujix Vexxnax Reaver Talrok